Saturday, August 25, 2012

Simply Saturday

The morning fog hasn't quite burned off yet which tells me that the beginning of fall is in the air here in Maine. The mornings are getting cooler with nice warm afternoons and sleeping weather nights. 
The birds are still singing their happy to be alive songs that permeate the silence of my spot in the woods. The turkeys must be sleeping since they haven't excited the dogs yet and the deer is so quiet that she slipped by without them even waking. 
The leaves are still green since it is still early for them to start changing. The squirrels have pretty much filled their winter homes with all the acorns they could get. Hopefully, the lack of their presence, doesn't mean a rough and early winter. 

There is still new life popping up in the yard that I am always excited to see. Plants and flowers even weeds that I had never seen before, I look at with the wonderment from the child with in me. Even the insects that live around here, are strange but yet wonderful to watch as they go on with their busy little lives. 
I have seen some insects that I have never seen before and have no clue as to what they are. But, I can watch them for hours as long as they don't come near me. I am not so brave when one of those bugs come close to me. It makes me giggle sometimes, here I am, a giant to them, yet I am afraid of these tiny creatures.

I am so blessed to be here. My spot in the woods. My spot. In the woods. My 
It should have been OUR spot. My husband Gilly, loved the woods of Maine. We would spend saturdays driving around, finding new spots to explore. Pulling off onto a dirt road and walking the paths into the woods. 
He knew the woods so well. He taught me so much. There actually is a difference between a moose track and a deer track. Turkeys sleep in trees, who knew! 
We would walk and talk and dream...some day, we would retire and buy a house in the woods. We would have a garden and I would bake and maybe even sell my breads...
We were supposed to grow old together in our spot in the woods. We were going to be that cute old couple that every one loved to see walking hand in hand. 
Our love is so,....was so special and strong that I still can feel it, even after 5 years. I feel it, I feel him. I can't seem to let go, I am not sure that I want to. 

Oh yes, my husband taught me so very much, but, he forgot to teach me one thing. He forgot to teach me how to live without him.

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1 comment:

  1. The wood have always felt my personal place where I can run away and be inspired. You and your husband sound just like my mom and dad. He died when I was 4, and my mother still holds everything she shared him close to her heart 26 years after his death.
